Inside The Exam Room™
As a practicing vascular surgeon, while not in the operating room, much of my time is spent with patients diagnosing and treating their health problems and educating them about their condition. As a specialist, I tend to deal with a focused group of very serious problems and find that many patients often ask similar questions and require educational reinforcement. Inside the Exam Room™ is a weekly essay designed to explore various topics of importance within health care. My job with this column is to act as the intermediary between the language & science of medicine and the consumer. The goal is to provide you with not as much a simplistic, but more of an understandable version of the various health topics that will be reviewed. Please note that the information presented is based on scientific fact but may also include opinion. In health care, there is often more than one acceptable way to diagnosis and treat various conditions (i.e. more than one right answer). Treatment options are known to have regional (and even international) variations reinforcing medicine's role as both an art and a science. This information is meant to assist you with understanding various health issues and should not be construed as providing you with medical advice. Use this information to enhance your personal understanding and help further your interaction and discussion with your own personal physician.
Mark Ombrellaro, MD
CEO TouchNetworks, Inc.
Redmond, WA
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